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Rhett Butler is the founder of Mongabay, one of the most popular environmental science and conservation news sites in the world.
He has such an interesting background and some wild stories. We talk about rainforests, deforestation, climate change, bioacoustic monitoring, close encounters with elephants and gorillas, and what it is like to be friends with Jane Goodall.
Rhett’s work:
Sources for topics discussed:
Jane Goodall: www.janegoodall.org
zero deforestation commitments: https://bit.ly/2xCBrC6
Steve Winter: www.instagram.com/stevewinterphoto
Hollywood mountain lion photo: https://on.natgeo.com/2KeDgfM
aye-aye lemur: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aye-aye
Health in Harmony: http://healthinharmony.org/
Rhett Butler publications / bioacoustic monitoring: https://data.mongabay.com/about.htm
Dr Jodi Rowley: http://jodirowley.com/
Frog ID: https://news.frogid.net.au/
Rainforest Connection: https://rfcx.org/
Planet Labs: https://www.planet.com/
Wildlife Conservation Network: https://wildnet.org/
Acaté Amazon: https://acateamazon.org/
Global Forest Watch: https://www.globalforestwatch.org/
World Resources Institute: https://www.wri.org/
David Quammen: http://www.davidquammen.com/
Virunga documentary: https://virungamovie.com/
Impossible Foods: https://impossiblefoods.com/
Global Fishing Watch: https://globalfishingwatch.org/
Full show notes @ https://bit.ly/2KVw9Yx
3737 ratings
Rhett Butler is the founder of Mongabay, one of the most popular environmental science and conservation news sites in the world.
He has such an interesting background and some wild stories. We talk about rainforests, deforestation, climate change, bioacoustic monitoring, close encounters with elephants and gorillas, and what it is like to be friends with Jane Goodall.
Rhett’s work:
Sources for topics discussed:
Jane Goodall: www.janegoodall.org
zero deforestation commitments: https://bit.ly/2xCBrC6
Steve Winter: www.instagram.com/stevewinterphoto
Hollywood mountain lion photo: https://on.natgeo.com/2KeDgfM
aye-aye lemur: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aye-aye
Health in Harmony: http://healthinharmony.org/
Rhett Butler publications / bioacoustic monitoring: https://data.mongabay.com/about.htm
Dr Jodi Rowley: http://jodirowley.com/
Frog ID: https://news.frogid.net.au/
Rainforest Connection: https://rfcx.org/
Planet Labs: https://www.planet.com/
Wildlife Conservation Network: https://wildnet.org/
Acaté Amazon: https://acateamazon.org/
Global Forest Watch: https://www.globalforestwatch.org/
World Resources Institute: https://www.wri.org/
David Quammen: http://www.davidquammen.com/
Virunga documentary: https://virungamovie.com/
Impossible Foods: https://impossiblefoods.com/
Global Fishing Watch: https://globalfishingwatch.org/
Full show notes @ https://bit.ly/2KVw9Yx