Reef News Network

RNN124 - So you want to be a YouTuber? (2020)

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Lab-Evolved Algae, Coral Reef Resilience a listener call and So you want to be a YouTuber, with special guest Remy! This week we sit down with the creator of Bahama Llama Coral YouTube channel to chat all about getting a channel started in 2020, in addition we have a great call from our listener Noah and Jeremy gets some R&R, all this and more on episode 124 of the REEF NEWS NETWORK! RNN Listener Coupon Codes: Marine Depot 10% off your order REEFNEWS Reef Kinetics - $50 off ReefBot RKLOVESRNN Show Watch 2020 MACNA Phoenix Canceled RAP California Canceled RAP Orlando - Canceled RAP New York - Dec 12/13 Greater Niagara - Canceled Powered By: Fritz Aquatics: ReefBreeders: Sicce: Reef2Reef: News: Remy- Rising ocean temperatures have devastated coral reefs all over the world, but a recent study has found that reefs in the Eastern Tropical Pacific region may prove to be an exception. Peter - For the third time in 5 years, an underwater heat wave has turned vast stretches of coral on Australia's Great Barrier Reef ghostly white, a desperate survival strategy that is often a prelude to coral death. Now, scientists there have taken a small step toward helping coral survive in a warmer world. For the first time, researchers have grown algae in a lab that can reduce coral bleaching, as it's known. The results are a notable advance in the growing field of assisted evolution, in which scientists are working to alter coral genetics to help them endure hotter water. Main Topic: Starting a YouTube Channel? Here's some things you'll need: 1. Camera (doesn't have to be anything fancy - Could be your phone!) 2. Tripod 3. Color Correcting Lens (Clip on orange filter...Polyp Lab, Orphek, Coralvue) 4. Mic, Remy's choice - Rode Lavelier mic for iPhone The 3 Levels of YouTubers we talked about today: 1. The Documenter - you're doing this YouTube Channel for you. You want to see your reef grow over time. This could be public or private. 2. The Presenter - you may want input from commenters, you may want to show things off and get feedback. Sharing your experience. 3. The Content Creator/Influencer - You're writing outlines, researching, making a video with the audience in mind. Consistently posting. Sustain your hobby with extra income. Some Tips from Remy's experience: -JUST DO IT. (I delayed for months and months...just do it!) -Have thick skin. Trolls await. It's inevitable, they will hurt your feelings. Focus on those that connect with you rather than the people who contribute negativity to the conversation. -Get a little better with each upload. Subscribe - Follow - Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , #RNN , #RNNnation Listener Calls: Noah asks what should he 3D print with access to a printing lab at school? Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.

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