Reef News Network

RNN125 - Amnemonemomne. That's okay kid don't hurt yourself. The Anemone Episode Pt. 1 (2020)

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Disaster Awareness, Collaboration is key and Amnemonemomne. That's okay kid don't hurt yourself, The Anemone Episode Pt.1. Jeremy is back on the mic and catches us up a bit on his tank and staycation. Peter talks a bit about his systems and the storm that caused us to miss a week all this and more on Episode 125 of The Reef News Network! RNN Listener Coupon Codes: Marine Depot 10% off your order REEFNEWS Reef Kinetics - $50 off ReefBot RKLOVESRNN Show Watch 2020 MACNA Phoenix Canceled RAP California Canceled RAP Orlando - Canceled RAP New York - Dec 12/13 Greater Niagara - Canceled Powered By: Fritz Aquatics: ReefBreeders: Sicce: Reef2Reef: News: Jeremy- The most successful and cost-effective ways to restore coral reefs have been identified by an international group of scientists, after analyzing restoration projects in Latin America. Peter- A Japanese cargo ship struck a reef off the coast of Mauritius more than two weeks ago and has now leaked more than 1,000 metric tons of oil into the pristine waters and unique ecosystems of the island nation. Mauritius has declared a state of environmental emergency, and the French government has sent technical support to assist with the disaster response. In addition, independently-organized local volunteers have been working to clean up and protect beaches with improvised materials. Main Topic: The Anemone Episode Pt. 1 Big shout out to Loren C. who posted on the Reef News Nation page mentioning Anemones as a great topic idea back in the June, well we have finally gotten to it. This will be the first of a two-part topic. This week we will go over some of the basics of what they are, anatomy, some of the more popular types for aquaria and symbiosis found in and with the fascinating creatures. Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: Reef News Road Trip: . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , #RNN , #RNNnation Listener Calls: Go to: click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing.

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