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Wild Weed Eaters, Happy Coral, and AWC Awesomeness. This week we catch up with Jeremy and Peter after a big snowstorm. Jeremy lost quite a few of the fish he got in a few weeks ago but is optimistic about the three survivors. Peter is back in CT and all good with his system after two weeks away (just as planned). All this and more on Episode 143 of the Reef News Network! RNN Listener Coupon Codes: Marine Depot 10% off your order REEFNEWS Reef Kinetics - $50 off ReefBot RKLOVESRNN Show Watch 2020 Greater Niagara - Canceled MACNA Phoenix - Canceled RAP California - Canceled RAP Orlando - Canceled AquaShella Dallas - Canceled Aquashella Chicago - Canceled RAP New York - Canceled Powered By: Fritz Aquatics: www.fritzaquatics.com ReefBreeders: www.reefbreeders.com Sicce: www.sicce.com/en/ Media Partners: Reefs.com: https://reefs.com/ Bahama Llama Coral: https://www.youtube.com/c/BahamaLlamaCoral Reef2Reef: www.reef2reef.com News: Jeremy- As corals die, seaweed takes over. Like weeds in your garden, seaweeds can crowd out new corals, just like the weeds can crowd out your crops. In addition to crowding out the coral, seaweed uses biological weapons to take over more space and inhibit coral growth (allelopathy), enter the Caribbean King Crab. Scientists say these crabs eat coral-choking seaweed and algae and may help with restoring coral reefs. https://bit.ly/RNNnewsJeremy143 Peter- Scientists have discovered a climate crisis refuge for coral reefs off the coast of Kenya and Tanzania, where species are thriving despite warming events that have killed their neighbors. The coral sanctuary is a wildlife hotspot, teeming with spinner dolphins and boasting rare species, including prehistoric fish and dugongs. Researchers believe its location in a cool spot in the ocean is helping to protect it and the surrounding marine life from the harmful effects of the climate crisis. http://bit.ly/RNNnewsPeter143 Main Topic: The idea of auto water changes has been around for a while but the tools needed to pull them off in reef systems were not as readily available to reefers as they are today. The concept of auto water changes originated in freshwater, particularly breeders implemented them to help maintain many systems. This may be a middle ground to the topic of episode one the great water change debate. https://www.coralvue.com/autoaqua-awc-auto-water-changer https://genesisreefsystems.com/ https://ecotechmarine.com/versa https://www.neptunesystems.com/getstarted/dos-2/dos-awc/ Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: www.reefnewsnetwork.com Reef News Road Trip: https://bit.ly/2LZfoKd . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , #RNN , #RNNnation Listener Calls: Go to: www.reefnewsnetwork.com click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing. Photo Credit: ReefHacks
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Wild Weed Eaters, Happy Coral, and AWC Awesomeness. This week we catch up with Jeremy and Peter after a big snowstorm. Jeremy lost quite a few of the fish he got in a few weeks ago but is optimistic about the three survivors. Peter is back in CT and all good with his system after two weeks away (just as planned). All this and more on Episode 143 of the Reef News Network! RNN Listener Coupon Codes: Marine Depot 10% off your order REEFNEWS Reef Kinetics - $50 off ReefBot RKLOVESRNN Show Watch 2020 Greater Niagara - Canceled MACNA Phoenix - Canceled RAP California - Canceled RAP Orlando - Canceled AquaShella Dallas - Canceled Aquashella Chicago - Canceled RAP New York - Canceled Powered By: Fritz Aquatics: www.fritzaquatics.com ReefBreeders: www.reefbreeders.com Sicce: www.sicce.com/en/ Media Partners: Reefs.com: https://reefs.com/ Bahama Llama Coral: https://www.youtube.com/c/BahamaLlamaCoral Reef2Reef: www.reef2reef.com News: Jeremy- As corals die, seaweed takes over. Like weeds in your garden, seaweeds can crowd out new corals, just like the weeds can crowd out your crops. In addition to crowding out the coral, seaweed uses biological weapons to take over more space and inhibit coral growth (allelopathy), enter the Caribbean King Crab. Scientists say these crabs eat coral-choking seaweed and algae and may help with restoring coral reefs. https://bit.ly/RNNnewsJeremy143 Peter- Scientists have discovered a climate crisis refuge for coral reefs off the coast of Kenya and Tanzania, where species are thriving despite warming events that have killed their neighbors. The coral sanctuary is a wildlife hotspot, teeming with spinner dolphins and boasting rare species, including prehistoric fish and dugongs. Researchers believe its location in a cool spot in the ocean is helping to protect it and the surrounding marine life from the harmful effects of the climate crisis. http://bit.ly/RNNnewsPeter143 Main Topic: The idea of auto water changes has been around for a while but the tools needed to pull them off in reef systems were not as readily available to reefers as they are today. The concept of auto water changes originated in freshwater, particularly breeders implemented them to help maintain many systems. This may be a middle ground to the topic of episode one the great water change debate. https://www.coralvue.com/autoaqua-awc-auto-water-changer https://genesisreefsystems.com/ https://ecotechmarine.com/versa https://www.neptunesystems.com/getstarted/dos-2/dos-awc/ Outro: Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as subscribe to the Podcast Reef News Network: www.reefnewsnetwork.com Reef News Road Trip: https://bit.ly/2LZfoKd . Instagram: ReefNewsNetwork Hashtags to follow #ReefNewsNetwork , #RNN , #RNNnation Listener Calls: Go to: www.reefnewsnetwork.com click the tab on the right side of the page to leave us a voicemail. Reviews/Ratings: Reviews and Ratings help us reach new heights and continue to produce quality content, let us know how we are doing. Photo Credit: ReefHacks