Reef News Network

RNN175 - Reef Tank Rehab: Annoyance Edition (2021)

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Sizzling Bacon, Marine Science Magnet School Magic, and Reef Tank Rehab: Annoyance Edition. This week we catch up with Jeremy and his mishap and Peter talks studio. All this and more on Episode 175 of the Reef News Network!

Show Watch 2021 Reef-A-Palooza Chicago October 16/17

MACNA - Canceled

Aquashella- Dallas October 30/31

Powered By: Top Shelf Aquatics: Fritz Aquatics: ReefBreeders: Sicce:

Media Partners: ReefHacks: Bahama Llama Coral: Reef2Reef:

News: Peter- To the untrained ear, it might sound like bacon frying in a pan but, to fish, it is the alluring sound of a healthy home. Marine scientists are using underwater speakers to pump out the sound of a potential breakthrough. The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) is in a race against climate change, with bleaching, cyclones and crown-of-thorns outbreaks threatening reefs.

Jeremy- Linking the Next Generation to Aquaculture Science - To say that teachers faced a challenging two-years while pivoting to protect their students during a pandemic while innovating new educational models to keep them engaged and learning is an understatement. But the Marine Science Magnet High School (MSMHS, Groton, CT) accepted the challenge head-on. In partnership with Mystic Aquarium and the support of Connecticut Sea Grant, MSMHS Aquaculture Teacher Eric Litvinoff conceptualized and delivered an innovative model to keep his kids' hands wet while learning about aquatic husbandry in a hybrid teaching model.

Main Topic: Perhaps another episode series in the making, today we're going over some of the things that we have dealt with in the past or may have to deal with in the future that can definitely be a real annoyance. Many people have to deal with these annoyances and find them to be some of the real low points of the hobby. We are talking standard issue ups and downs that we all will face in the typical lifespan of a tank. We will go over some ways to get rid of or cope with these annoyances. Let's rework systems, redo flaws and rehab the tank in general so we can refresh your enjoyment level!

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