The OuterEdge Radio

Robin Bellamy - 1/31/16

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The Outer Edge welcomed Robin Pyatt Bellamy to the program. Robin was born in Point Pleasant, West Virginia in the early 1960’s and lived for many years in nearby Ravenswood. The child of a Republican Dad and a Democrat Mom, Robin learned early that there are many sides to every issue. She approaches her research the same way.
Married with three children, Robin found herself living in Toronto, Canada in 2000. Through a series of unusual events, she became a member of Toronto Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society and added paranormal research to her resume. Robin has served that organization as a Director and its parent organization PSICAN (Paranormal Studies and Investigations Canada) as a board member, Director of Cryptozoology, and Chief Financial Officer. Since leaving those posts in 2012 she continues to consult with film, television, and other media writers. In addition to professional pursuits, Robin is the primary blogger for CFZ-Canada.
Robin has published Haunt Cuisine; an eclectic collection of recipes and attendant ghost stories from North America. Each recipe is simple and each story researched and presented from witness reports. Her sophomore book entitled Haunted Hospitality is the historical account of the ghosts of the Lowe Hotel in Point Pleasant. Haunt Cuisine and Robin’s publications can be found at Robin was featured in the Canadian press junket for the film “White Noise”, on camera work for SyFy Investigates and Freak Encounters, does script and technical consulting, and speaks often at seminars and festivals as well as college campuses. She recently appeared in the documentary “30 Ghosts”, due to be released April 25, 2012. Her experience as a radio personality in West Virginia, Ohio, and North Carolina provide her with a good working knowledge of the press and an easy rapport with all audiences.
Robin is currently working on Xenoforensics, a guidebook for using forensic science in paranormal research.
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