Crank It Up! with David T.S. Wood

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Your values will determine your direction and destiny

Today you get to listen in as David has the opportunity to chat for the first time with Robin Sharma. Robin generously shares the story of how he’s come to the place he’s at in life and the road he’s taken to get there. He started out his career path as a lawyer, which he says he did for the wrong reasons. It was in that discovery that he wrote his book, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.” He self published the book by printing it at Kinkos and promoting it himself because he believed deep down that he had something important to say to the world.

And he’s done exactly that.

Robin is a world-known speaker and communicator on the topics of leadership, productivity, vision and purpose, and making the most of the life you’ve been given. He works overtime to encourage every person to take up the mantle of leadership in their own life, making the most of every opportunity to add value to the lives of those around them. He sees leadership as a lost art – something most people don’t know how to do and don’t think they can do. But he’s passionate to let people know that they not only can be a leader, they must be a leader, especially of their own life.

In this podcast Robin shares two of his many principles for amping up life – the 60/20/20 challenge and the 90/90/1 rule. Putting these simple ideas into practice could revolutionize the way you work and the things you accomplish, making your impact on the world that much greater. You have got to listen to listen to this episode to find out what they are and how to implement them in your life.

David wraps up the conversation by asking Robin to share what’s ahead in his life, what he’s planning toward, and what he intends to bring to the upcoming event, June of 2015 in Las Vegas.


* Robin’s Story

* The importance in “trusting your gut” or “deeper instincts”

* How Robin’s core vision and values guide what he does

* How Robin defines leadership

* Leadership in a world that’s lost its way

* How every person can be a “day maker” by living their deepest values

* Why old leadership styles don’t work anymore and how it works today

* The 66 -20-20 challenge

* The power of step by step daily actions

* The 90-90-1 rule

* Robin’s view on passion and purpose in life

* Authenticity is costly

* Robin’s next chapter


More episodes from Crank It Up! with David T.S. Wood