Tennis Pod Pro Videos

Robotic Assisted Tennis Sleeve

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The Robotic Assisted Tennis Sleeve is a feasible, safe, and efficient non-surgical treatment for those who have difficulty learning advanced techniques of the swing-paths, joint-angles, backswings, and finishes of professional players.

Robotic Assisted Tennis Sleeve Specifications:

Systems Integrators - System integrators are used to establish the requirements of a motion in the swing-paths of the classic, straight, or bent-arm forehands.

Robotic Rotary Joint - Consisting of a stationary part connected to the arm of the robot and a rotating part connected to the wrist and sleeve allowing for electrical and pneumatic cables to stay in place while cables required for the sleeve are free to rotate.

Internal Sensor - An apparatus within the manipulator arm that sends information on motion to a control unit.

Presence-Sensing Safeguarding Device - A mechanism used to sense and detect when an object enters a given area that could potential hurt the player.

Rotational Motion - Describes circular movement with respect to the axis.

Systems Compensator - A remote device that involves multiple shear pads to help with spin, swing-path and speed operations. Refers to position-level and velocity-level.

Acceleration-Level - The measure of variation of joint speeds over time. Double and single differentiation of this level gives the overall change in position and change in position overtime, respectively.

Resolved-rate - Determining the joint's overall changed in velocity over time based on restrictions of the end-effector's motion.

Velocity-level - The measure of variation of joint position over time. Yields the overall change in position. Single differentiation yields the change in joint speed over time.

Manual Programming - The user physically sets specific tasks and limits on the robot.

Biomimetic - Imitation of biological systems occurring in nature

Inverse Kinematics - Determination of a joint's overall change in position based on restrictions on the end-effector's motion of a robot.

Awareness Signal - A sound or light that alerts one if joint angles are too extreme.

Interface - The separation between robots and the equipment not nearby. The sensors that are required for communication between the devices use signals relaying input and output data.

Energy Source - Energy is provided by conversion of various types of sources such spin, backswing and follow-through.

Equality constraint - The end-effector's change of position, movement and location must be equal to counter-movement of the opposite arm action.

Fixed Automation - Automated, electronically controlled system for classic, straight, bent or circular motions. These systems are mainly used for students who have little flexibility.

Flexibility - The diverse jobs that a robot is capable of executing.

Fully Constrained Sleeve - The number of equality constraints on the robot are equal to the number of independent joints.


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Tennis Pod Pro VideosBy Punahou School