These are dark times. The world is not at the end of history, as F. Fukuyama predicted in 1992, but has been moving beyond its end for more than two decades. Local war conflicts have penetrated European soil. Russia, like a virus, knows no borders and spreads unrestrained. Liberal democracies face unexpected challenges in countries where such a turn of events at the end of history would hardly have been anticipated. But it has happened. What better illustrates the state of the world today than the fact that since 2020, five billion people have become impoverished while the five richest individuals have doubled their fortunes? Something here does not add up…
Among the world's richest, who don't know what to do with their money, is George Soros, who enjoys an excellent reputation in Central and Eastern Europe. Among his fully independently funded projects is the music think tank "Indigo Children Paid by Soros" and his new music study of the current situation titled "DJ Nights Cuts 02."
This work consists of three chapters. In the first act, a strict and delightful punishment is meted out, not only to sinners, but also to those who can find redemption in moments of pain.
It was December fifth and the devil came. He brought with him a clear message, expressed in explicit language that not everyone may understand. (For those interested, it is possible to request a translation into any world language after subscribing on the website
And what of the conclusion? A glimmer of hope? Is there still room in our souls, preoccupied with the future and the past, for it? Today's merchants of tomorrow and jugglers of the past prevent us from experiencing the present. Does tomorrow exist?
If you are interested in the universal present, 9 out of 10 Soroses would recommend listening to this EP before making any decision. Listen on the highest quality device available to you, a device capable of playing lossless files, because there have been enough losses already. And if you don't have such a device, find friends who do. The shared experience will be enriching, better than solitude on social networks.