Dream Big Authentic Leadership Podcast


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Last night I almost got caught in the rain again. Thunder was rumbling, so I decided to run-walk my way back the last 1.5 miles. Because I’ve had a muscle imbalance issue for a while, I haven’t been able to run much at all...maybe 4 or 5 minutes total, broken down into 1 minute increments once per week if I’m lucky.

Last night I ran about half a mile total partly with a limp. I’m sure I looked ridiculous and I’m not setting any land speed records here.

What became clear to me was that I (me, myself, and I) haven’t been able to fix this issue.

Listen to learn about this mindset shift and get 1 way of moving your life forward.

Are you interested in becoming a more purposeful or authentic leader? If you are, then Dream Big Coaching may be for you! Go to https://dreambigcoachingllc.com/schedule-now to sign up for a free 30-minute coaching session.

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Dream Big Authentic Leadership PodcastBy Karen Weiss