Game of Thrones: Tower of Babble Breakdowns

S8E2 "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms": ToB Breakdown

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ToB is back to breakdown Season 8 Episode 2: “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”, which proves to be a predominantly light, genuinely heartwarming, and endlessly joyful episode; a rarity among GoT episodes and feels almost too good to be true..

Jaime receives a cold welcome in Winterfell, Dany questions Tyrion’s value as the Hand of the Queen, Brienne vouches for the Kingslayer, Theon vows to protect Bran, the remnants of The Night’s Watch reunite in Winterfell, Arya celebrates life in the face of imminent death, Dany opens up to Sansa, Tormund tells a campfire story, Jon reveals his true identity to Daenerys, Jorah once again wields a Valyrian Steel sword, and Brienne earns a title befitting of her character… all whilst preparing for the greatest battle of their lives.

This is the deep breath before the plunge and it is a celebration of the characters, relationships, and story that has brought us to this point.

Game of Thrones Theme: Orchestral Cover - Rihards Libietis Orchestra

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Game of Thrones: Tower of Babble BreakdownsBy Julian Meush and Daniel D'Souza

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  • 3.8
  • 3.8
  • 3.8


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