Nothing Serious – Paul O'Flaherty

Samaritans – Nothing Serious Podcast #111

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What’s wrong with feeding imaginary animals imaginary food, and why is Reddit so upset by it? Should a toddler be allowed to play video games? Are Samaritan laws like the one passed in Canada recently a good idea or do they just provide an easy out for drug abusers who should otherwise be locked away? What makes a good church? Can sex be a religion? Can you worship Joe Pesci? What’s the right punishment for sexually abusing an animal?

Stories mentioned in episode 111 of Nothing Serious Podcast include:

  • Reddit wants Mojang to stop feeding imaginary birds imaginary chocolate
  • Canada passes law which grants immunity for drug possession to those who call 911 to report an overdose
  • Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act
  • Sex club posed as a church to evade the cops
  • Woman Arrested for Shooting at Teen for Attempting to Rape Dog
  • ...more
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