The Small Business Express Podcast

SBX 25: How To Make Your Business Standout From The Crowd

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You’re rocking out.  Building your business.  Dreaming.  Planning.  Dreaming some more.  And then it happens.  You discover another business doing what you’re doing.  Competition happens, sure.  But THIS other business is further along than you.  Has more customers than you.  And may even look better than you.  What’s going to make you different?
Or maybe it’s an your website… which looks like everybody else’s, reads like everybody else’s, is ineffective like everybody else’s.  What’s one simple change you can make that’ll change everything?
Maybe you just want to stick out to your customers more.  Or increase conversion of your opt-in pages.  Maybe raise your closing percentage or your average customer lifetime value.  Do a better job sharing your company history.  What’s one simple communication you can add to your arsenal to accomplish these things?
ANSWER:  (In case you missed all the hyperlinks above)
You need a sales hook, aka a way to tell your story in 60 seconds or less.  A good sales hook will make you special, memorable, and authoritative.  In this episode of SBX, we are joined by the great Kevin Rogers (seasoned comedian and master copywriter) to share his formula for crafting sales hooks that… well, SELL!
Whether you’re an online or offline business, seasoned veteran or wannabe start-up, sooner or later every USP (unique selling proposition – the thing that makes you different)  is commoditized.  Business owners always point to their product as the driver of their success or failure.  And while product is important, it’s you and your story that can never truly be copied outright.  It’s your story that will build affinity, create an environment ripe for selling, and turn your marketing from a “have to do” into an authentic “love to do.”
“We all surf the web the same way, with our index finger-of-death hovering over the mouse, eager to click away from a bad mistake.  People are begging for you to screw it up so they can move on and go somewhere else.” — Kevin Rogers —

In this episode, you will learn how to package your story in a way that makes you feel awesome… and helps others to know, like, and trust you.  If you’ve been listening to the SMALL BUSINESS EXPRESS for any length of time?
SBX 25 takes the game to a whole new level.  Be ready.
… .. .
(This is Mike writing.  On a personal note, Kevin is one of my favorite people I’ve met in this space.  I feel privileged to know him and can’t wait to spend more time with him.  I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did.)
(And also?  April 11th was/is Gary’s birthday.  Give him some love with one click.  I love that guy.  Best partner ever… even though I’ve n...
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The Small Business Express PodcastBy Gary Shouldis

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