Who Knows?

Season 3 Episode 8: "Making Music" with Tory Silver

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On this episode, we dive into the world of music with Tory Silver! You may know her as the artist that has provided our outro and transition music for Season 3, but she’s got so much more story to tell!

Tory is a musician based in Boston, Massachusetts who specializes in playing guitar and writing music. Tory shares with us how she started playing guitar, where she draws inspiration from when writing her music, and some of the challenges that come with doing the work to make it in the music biz. 

Tory approaches her journey and her passion with so much positivity and joy. She shares some tips on working through the confusion of making your passion your career, as well as some of the highlights of her career thus far. She reminds us all that “If they can do it, so can I!” 


So much inspiration to be had!

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For more from Tory


Visit her WEBSITE 

Listen to her music on SPOTIFY

Follow her on INSTAGRAM

Follow her on TWITTER

Like Tory Silver on FACEBOOK

Watch her play on YOUTUBE

You can listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, Overcast and Pocket Casts!


The Things (we mentioned): 


Office Ladies Podcast!

Check out our episode with Marissa Blossom

Check out Marissa Blossom’s new website!

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Who Knows?By Taylor Dankovich

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