Who Knows?

Season 4 Episode 7: "Me Time" with Casey (@caseyandthebear)

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On this episode, we are coming together to talk about being alone. Some people hate it, and others want nothing more than to have a little me time every day of the week. There’s a balance to be struck between company and solitude, but either way you dice it, there are important benefits to finding the joy in spending time with yourself.

Jessica begins with a fantastic topic breakdown, citing the major differences between alone time and being alone in an unhealthy way. She shares a few ways that indulging in me time can greatly improve your mental health and offers suggestions on a few ways you might try to spend some quality time with yourself. 

In our conversation, we are joined by Casey, wildly creative and talented owner of Parkbound Buttons, often found online @caseyandthebear or in a theme park with friends, as well as very often on her own. 

Casey is a person who greatly values her me time. Today she is sharing what makes that time so enjoyable for her, some of her favorite activities to do solo, and even a few things that make her nervous when she is adventuring on her own. She reminds us that while there is tremendous enjoyment to be had with a stroll through a target or going on vacation by yourself, it is not always easy to muster the courage to go it alone. She shares that even those who love to be alone still need their moments of someone to lean on, but leaves us assured that no matter what the challenge may be, there is still independence within you. 

This episode proves that both time with others and time alone have their place, and one simply cannot and should not exist without the other. 



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***Links For our resident therapist Jessica Sheriff:

Follow Jessica on Instagram

Book a consultation with Jessica

Thank Jessica for her work!-Venmo her @Jessica-Sheriff

Looking to start speaking to a therapist? Here are a few places to start:

Psychology Today



Inclusive Therapists

APISSA therapist directory

QTPOC Mental Health Practitioner Directory

Mental health support for black men

Mental health resources for black women

***For more from Casey:

Shop at Parkbound Buttons 

Follow Casey on Instagram 

Follow Lolly on Instagram 

Like Parkbound Buttons on Facebook 

Listen to Single Rider Podcast

Listen to Residents Services

***The Things (we mentioned): 

“Me Party” from The Muppets Movie

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Who Knows?By Taylor Dankovich

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