Who Knows?

Season 4 Episode 8: "Health and Wellness" with M Camellia

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On our final interview episode of Season 4, we dive into the topic of health and wellness. There is so much to be said about how all of the toxic ways that health and wellness is portrayed can affect a person's mental health. The conversation needs to be had more often regarding how so many have been led to believe that food is bad, thin is the only acceptable body type, and that wellness only looks and acts one way. Not to mention its relation to accessibility, racism, and so many other, often forgotten, important pieces of this flawed concept. 

We begin as we always do with a topic breakdown from Jessica Sheriff, where she affirms the reality of a drastic need for radical shifts in the health and wellness industry, and helps us to explore the concept of being well and the many ways that we can express wellness in our lives. 

In our conversation, we are joined by M Camellia. Yoga teacher, accessibility, agency and consent advocate, head of Found Space Yoga and Co-Founder of Trans Yoga Project

M shares their story of how they found themselves in the yoga practice, what awakened them to use that practice for advocacy, and offers massive insight on the value in turning away from oppressive systems found in the construct of health and wellness and turning toward pleasure, introspection, and authenticity in your life in every way possible. M gives so many new ideas around health and wellness, inspiration and support in the effort to go beyond the physical practice of physical activities, and empowerment in knowing that we as individuals have value and gifts far beyond our bodies that should be nurtured, acknowledged and celebrated. They drive home the vital importance of inclusivity in all health and wellness spaces. 

I cannot even begin to explain what a gift this conversation was. In short: This episode will remind you that you deserve to feel good and that who you are and how you choose to live should be a decision based on self-love and acceptance. 

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***Links For our resident therapist Jessica Sheriff:

Follow Jessica on Instagram

Book a consultation with Jessica

Thank Jessica for her work!-Venmo her @Jessica-Sheriff

Looking to start speaking to a therapist? Here are a few places to start:

Psychology Today



Inclusive Therapists

APISSA therapist directory

QTPOC Mental Health Practitioner Directory

Mental health support for black men

Mental health resources for black women

***For more from M

Individual Work



Collaborative Work





The Things (we mentioned): 

Grey people in Fairly Odd Parents

Pleasure Activism- Written and Gathered by Adrienne Maree Brown

Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power  by Audre Lorde

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Who Knows?By Taylor Dankovich

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