The Knowne World Bardcast

Season 5: Episode 2: LIVE FROM YMIR 2020

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Bards from around the Knowne World gathered at the Tourney of Ymir in the Kingdom of Atlantia to celebrate the elevation of our own Master Gideon ap Stephen to the Order of the Laurel.

Hosted by Aneleda Falconbridge and Master Andreas Blacwode


  1. A Galliard - Master Johann von Solothurn with Jacob von Solothurn 

  2. Life of a Bard - Mistress Finnech inghain Labhrainn 

  3. Mothers Lament, Master John Littleton, written by and was written by Aed of Avigdor

  4. The Queen Has Called - Master Owen Alun

  5. Douce Dame Jolie - Efenweatlt Wystle

  6. Travelers Ale - Andreas Blacwode

  7. Nobility is Not a Crown - Mistress Roslin Jehannes 

  8. Thirteenth Virtue - Master Dunstan Heringemongre 

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The Knowne World BardcastBy The Knowne World Bardcast