The Real Offside Football Podcast with Ricky Grover, Rob Lee and Eddie Duah.

Season Two: Episode Thirty-Eight: Season Finale

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We can't believe how quick this season has gone. Congratulations to #mancity. 100 points is pretty special. So, it's our last show of season with joined by a very special guest. The hugely talented @TheMilesChapman, a comedy writer-performer & producer, discusses his career, working with Ricky Gervais and his production company Bingofilms with @RickyGroverUK, The Ledge @7RobLee, Producer @ZaneGroves1, Uber agent @Duah101 and the guru of knowledge @virtualash.
This week the guys talk about their most embarrassing moments, and @RickyGroverUK loves to see other comedians ‘die on the ass'. Plus we are joined by super-fan Cheeders, @ZaneGroves1 right-hand man, to discuss this weeks football talk. Plus everyone's end of season tool of the week. That's Season Two done with a couple of world cup specials to follow and best of luck to @LFC with the #UCLfinal. Thanks to each and every one of you for listening each and every week, and for all of your positive feedback. We've had nearly a million listens now so a massive thanks again. Much love from all of us. Stay tuned to hear this week's exclusive offer with @netbet - our official #TheRealOffside sponsor. Join us for another packed episode with fascinating views on the beautiful game, fighting talk and much, much more. Follow us on social media where you can tweet us using #TheRealOffside.
The Real Offside Podcast is a D2 Interactive Production for, produced by Dan Drogman and Zane Groves.
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The Real Offside Football Podcast with Ricky Grover, Rob Lee and Eddie Duah.By D2 Interactive