The Real Offside Football Podcast with Ricky Grover, Rob Lee and Eddie Duah.

Season Two: Episode Thirty-Seven: Mothers Calling!!

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It's another full house for the second week in the row. Seems these buys are making a habit of this! This week sees a surprise phone call from Mr Cuddles beloved mum. Ahh! Line-up for the show this week. We have in the studio the always loveable @RickyGroverUK, The Ledge @7RobLee, our enigmatic Producer @ZaneGroves1, resident sweet talking @Duah101 and substitution for @virtualash is special guest Lee Marsh. A Football Agent and Sports Division Relationship Manager.
It's another great @TheRealOffside #S2ep37 show, this weeks discussion is on what now for Arsenal with no more Wenger, can Lacazette and Aubameyang light it up for Arsenal next season? Plus the boys discuss the end of season top 4 and who will drop. This week on Ricky's Ring, the boys talk Haye v Bellew. Bellow destroyed Haye and Ricky says how. Stay tuned to hear this week's exclusive offer with @netbet - our official #TheRealOffside sponsor. Join us for another packed episode with fascinating views on the beautiful game, fighting talk and much, much more. Follow us on social media where you can tweet us using #TheRealOffside.
The Real Offside Podcast is a D2 Interactive Production for, produced by Dan Drogman and Zane Groves.
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The Real Offside Football Podcast with Ricky Grover, Rob Lee and Eddie Duah.By D2 Interactive