Jesus is the Answer for USA

Senior Pastor Peter John of Delaware Altar, USA Weighs in on the Message of THE LORD "Why The Coronavirus?"

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With over 500,000 COVID deaths in the USA alone, 1000+ dead bodies in bags per day, why the Coronavirus? Why did THE LORD bring the Coronavirus now?THE ONE WHO PROPHESIED CORONAVIRUS DECEMBER 1, 2015 saying: "Now all of you know that this is the judgment of THE LORD upon the face of the Earth. And the reason why GOD has used ME to judge the Earth in such a harsh manner, in such a dreadful manner is because I went all around the earth calling for repentance telling them that GOD THE FATHER, THE LORD JEHOVAH ELOHIM, JEHOVAH YAHWEH HAS spoken with ME. And THE LORD in the manner HIS of conversation with the nations HE said, “REPENT AND TURN AWAY FROM SIN. RECEIVE CHRIST JESUS AS LORD AND SAVIOR AND PREPARE YOUR HEARTS. PREPARE FOR THE GLORIOUS COMING OF THE MESSIAH. THE KING IS COMING.”And then I called down THE LORD from Heaven to come in THE CLOUD OF HIS GLORY and THE LORD GOD expects that everybody on the Earth understands that in THE CLOUD, HE only came in the Old Testament. The entire of the New Testament, nobody, nobody has ever stepped froward and called GOD YAHWEH, GOD THE FATHER to come down and visit HIM in a particular place in a meeting in THE DREADFUL CLOUD OF HIS GLORY that carried Israel from Egypt to the promised land. THE LORD expects that everyone understands. HE that created the hearts of man, HE knows that they know that it is HIM Who has visited.But instead what did you get? They attempted to ignore the visitation of THE LORD, THE GOD HEAD, GOD THE FATHER. Now look how HE struck the Earth. Look at how I struck the Earth. Look at the condition the Earth is in. ‘Oh! Which vaccine is causing blood clots? Which one will last for only six (6) months? Which one is what?’ Look at the confusion and the scampering for help. The dread of death. Look at the entire Earth now. And that is why each one of you on your individual bases, make sure you repent and prepare for the Coming of THE MESSIAH.Nobody on the Earth created by HIM can ignore HIS CLOUD and think that they will knock on the doors of Heaven and enter. Those who are wise, listen to the Words of GOD. Listen to the Voice of THE LORD. Listen to what THE SPIRIT OF GOD is saying to the nations.
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