A Marketing Podcast with Matt Coco

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In session 34 of A Marketing Podcast I talk Customer Marketing Overview. I go over when customer marketing kicks in and things to consider to deliver the right message to your current customers in order to achieve up-sells and additional revenue from your current customers.

There’s a way to perform customer marketing that doesn’t seem like a heavy sales approach to up-sells at the point that they make their initial purchase from you. In this show I discuss how to a chive this in a way that not only gets more revenue but does so in a way that build loyalty and retention.

Session 34: Customer Marketing Overview

When to start customer marketing

As soon as a potential customer makes a purchase you should initialize your customer marketing. That’s not to say open the flood gates to marketing right then, but start the process of developing your relationship with your customers.

Messaging for customers should be different the potential customers

Messaging for customers should not be about awareness and the benefits or solutions that your product provides, instead how you can improve their experience of the purchase they have made.

Plain and simple: improve the value of the purchase they have made.

Tactical approaches to customer marketing

Remarketing is great once we have a customer. Because we can get focused in our messages and promotions to our customers.

Email marketing is another great approach to customer marketing because we can communicate directly with our customers in a one-to-one basis.

Customer Marketing and E-mail Marketing

Get your customers email!

If you already have an email list up and running make sure that you can segment, or tag, your customers within that list. My favourite tool for this is ConvertKit – Get 30 days FREE by clicking this link and checking it out.

The reason to segment your customers out is so that, once again, we message differently to them.

Provide value in exchange for your customers joining your “member/customer” email list. Member only promotions work great, for example:

* be the first to know

* member only promotions/discounts

* new product releases and first access to those products for members only

These are also the content to put in your emails over time to entice additional sales to your current customers.

Marketing should be part of your customer support

When providing customer support, we should always be taking an approach to fix our customers issues and deliver up-sell or promotional items that relate to the purchase they have already made. So marketing at the same time as customer support.

If you’re providing customer support online, provide it in a way that again, solves the problem, but always keeps marketing in mind by using content on the website. Potentially, even referring to other products or services during the support call.

An angry customers is a great opportunity

More often than not the clients I work with do everything they can to avoid negative customers and issues online. However, they pose a great opportunity to develop a very happy , and loyal, customer.

The reason I mention this is that if you can turn an angry customer around, their story can be used in your marketing. Also, you can identify what went wrong and what may help other customers feel better about their purchase, and use that in your customer marketing.

Check out a favourite book of mine to help with this. It’s called Hug Your Haters by Jay Bear

Don’t be a pushy salesman

Deliver marketing to your current customers with great value adding up-sells. If you don’t have additional products or services that truly build on the valu...

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