Augusto Carvalho Podcasts

Set Mix Disco Funk Edit Reedit Rework Remix

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I was born in the late 60's, but only in the late 70's I got to absorb the disco era. I was a listener, but always with a keen sense. It was where everything began, a passion for eletronic music.

In the 80's, these most intensely lived, and for me one of the best. I absorbed a generation of true musicians, which adds even more knowledge and feeling.

Nowadays, with all knowledge that I have gotten, I look intensely all the songs of the past. I really miss those times and I do not deny. After all, having this feeling is a spiritual universe, where we bring with us in our lives, everything good that we got. It is our story on a journey throughout time, going back, reviving às if it were the first time, remembering, inventing everything again making the "now" become Alive as in the pas, becoming a source of life.

Music is a cycle that goes back and forth. As I mentioned, I miss those times, but I did not stop in time, I enjoy the pasta and the present. I think I do define myself as an only style. I always say I like music and with the keen sense I have, I listen to the songs and if I believe they sound good to my ears, that's what I will believe. House is the base. However, in my sets there might be a tech house, a techno, or rather any Söns that may please my ears.

Nowadays, I live intensely researching everything from the past until the current days. However, this set is special because in my research I found out these producers who tok the songs from the pasta and gave this brightness so I decided to make this set.

After carrying out some research and searching for these relics in versions te-edits, edits, mix, remix, I saw some touch-ups in the music editions with massive kicks well improved, expanded instruments such as pianos, sax, etc. and percussion. However, always maintaining the intact originality of the songs as muco as possible in their arrangements. After all, It would be dificult to please everyone since original songs are already perfect masterpieces and only some elements have been placed so that it could make shine more on the songs, so the will to do this set of 2:36. Although, my research full of songs that would not have been possible to put in an only set, but they are not here, for sure. They will be in the next mixed set. 

Take your trip!

I hope you like it!!!


Nasci no final de 60's, logo, fui absorver a era DISCO já no final de 70's, era ouvinte, mas sempre com um feeling aguçado. Foi onde tudo começou a paixão pela Música Eletrônica.

Nos anos 80's, esses mais vividos intensamente, e para mim um dos melhores, absorvi uma geração de verdadeiros musicistas, o que veio acrescentar ainda mais o conhecimento e o feeling.

Hoje, com todo conhecimento que absorvi, busco intensamente todas as músicas do passado, sou sim, verdadeiro SAUDOSO, e não me nego ser saudoso, afinal a saudade é um universo espiritual, onde trazemos conosco em nossas vidas tudo de bom que absorvemos, é a nossa história em uma viagem pelo tempo, indo atrás, revivendo como se fosse a primeira vez, lembrando, recordando, podendo inventar tudo novamente, fazendo com que, o agora, torne vivo como no passado, tonando-me fonte de vida.

A música é um ciclo, vai e volta. Como falei acima, sou saudoso, porém, não parei no tempo, curto o passado e o presente. Acho que não me defino por um estilo somente, gosto sempre de falar que gosto de música, e com o feeling aguçado que tenho, ouço as músicas, e se eu acreditar, soar bem aos meus ouvidos, é o que acreditarei. A House é a base, entretanto, em meus sets, pode ter um Tech House um Techno....ou melhor qualquer música que agradar aos meus ouvidos.

Hoje, vivo intensamente pesquisando, desde tudo do passado, até os dias atuais.Descobrir esses produtores que pegaram as músicas do passado dando esse brilho, daí resolvi fazer esse set diferente.

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Augusto Carvalho PodcastsBy Augusto Carvalho