Barbara DeLong and WWT talk, laugh and just have a good time. Call in and say Hi, get a free reading, its fun and so are we!Leanne is a psychic medium and channel who works with the angelic realm. She has earned her Angelic Connection Certification (ACC) with Julie McNulty. Giving Angel Readings is very near and dear to her heart. She has a love for connecting people with their crossed over loved ones and their angels. She believes that every person incarnates with angels to help them on their journey; all you need to do is ask. The angels want all of us to know how much we are loved and that we are not being judged. Life is a series of learning lessons with plenty of joy, fun, and love along the way. A channeled message can be incorporated into an angel reading. As a channel Leanne brings forth only the most high and loving guides and beings of light who wish to support your spiritual growth and healing. She is a conscious channel who allows these beings to speak through her for the purpose of love and light. Leanne is also a Reiki Grand Master who loves bring health and balance into her client’s lives. Please contact Leanne at or e-mail her directly at
[email protected]