Startup Stories with Scaleway

Startup Stories - #15 Web3 Labs

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This week, in our "Startup Stories with Scaleway" episode, Pascal will discuss blockchain technology with Conor Svensson, CEO and co-founder of Web3 Labs.

We'll discover how blockchain is a transformative technology with an important impact. How you can develop open-source librairies to ease the work of your industry working by working with blockchain technology.

When you think blockchain you often link it to cryptocurrencies, but in fact there is so much more to it! It is a consensus process to keep track of your colleagues' advancement and yours, which we'll illustrate with a use-case... And finally, learn how blockchain technology can be your best ally for transparency and simplifying your work chain advancement.

See you next week with a brand new podcast. 

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Startup Stories with ScalewayBy Scaleway