Startup Stories with Scaleway

Startup Stories - #17 QuestDB

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In our new episode of "Startup Stories with Scaleway", Pascal interviews Nicolas Hourcard, CEO of QuestDB.

This open source solution born from the lack of time-series database works in total independence.  Using either C++ and/or Java langages you can manage data points with a time stamp associated to it in order to track the evolution of your database. Basically, QuestDB helps you understand the past but also start predicting what is going to happen.

Used for several applications such as forecasting, e-commerce, IoT, financial services, this works on hardware and software. You can collect and store all the history of your website data with a shortened time load. This solution provides additional functionalities and facilitates the retrieval of data; long story short: QuestDB is a must for machine learning and AI

We hope you enjoy this week’s podcast. Join us next week, when we discover another great company from our Startup Program.

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Startup Stories with ScalewayBy Scaleway