Property Chit Chat by Louise Roke

Susan; Not Your Everyday Broker

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Susan Templeton isn't your everyday mortgage broker - she is so much more.  First of all she is really passionate about genuinely helping people and goes that extra mile.  She listens to what clients want and need; finding the perfect loan structure and bank for them. 

In this podcast I ask Susan a number of questions about brokers what they do and the services they provide.

I hope you learn something from this interview; I did... whether you are buying, selling or selling and purchasing;  Susan researches the choices that are available to you. 

Susan has her own company called Niche Mortgages and is especially passionate about assisting women,  first home buyers, those upsizing, downsizing and reverse mortgages for retirees.  

Susan's website is

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Property Chit Chat by Louise RokeBy Louise Roke