Mindful Businesses

Synthica Energy- Renewable Natural Gas

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Natural gas used to heat our homes, cook our meals and sometimes even to move our cars comprises mainly of Methane - a know greenhouse gas. While we go on this journey to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and green house gasses, there needs to be a sustainable alternative to conventional natural gas. The anaerobic activities in landfills creates Renewable Natural Gas (RNG). RNG is a hundred percent match to conventional natural gas and can thus be piped and supplied using the existing natural gas distribution pipelines. We talk with Grant Gibson, co-founder and CDO of Synthica Energy - that does exactly that. Their anaerobic digestion facilities receive industrial food wastes, organic by-products, brewery washout and they use them to produce biogas for commercial power plants. Learn more about this exciting solution on this latest episode of Mindful Businesses.

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Mindful BusinessesBy Vidhya Iyer - Host

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