The boys get their hands on some barrel-aged goodness, are brought to tears by one of the most touching moments of Mob Psycho 100, and continue this season's tradition of having to cover their faces during Domestic Girlfriend's cringe-worthy moments.
Beer Reviews:
The Veil Brewing Company - Apple Brandy Distant
Voodoo Brewing Company - Zangeif aged in Whiskey Tawny Porto Casks
Voodoo Brewing Company - Unicorn Farts (Batch 2)
Anime Reviews:
Mob Psycho 100 Ep. 6-7
The Rising of the Shield Hero Ep. 6
The Promised Neverland Ep. 5-6
Dororo Ep. 6-7
Boogiepop Ep. 7-8
Domestic Girlfriend Ep. 5-6
That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime Ep.19-20
Black clover Ep. 70-71
Fairy tail Ep. 295-296
Sword Art Online: Alicization Ep. 18