The Conscious Runner Podcast

TCR088 | Jeff McCloud: Running After a 25 Year Break & Running as Family Affair

“Go out and run your pace. No one is going to judge  you” ~Jeff McCloud


Jeff has been a long-standing member of The Conscious Runner Academy and has taken on the role of The Conscious Runner Academy Community manager. As a Conscious Runner Academy Community manager, Jeff helps to ensure our community remains dedicated to the vision of The Conscious Runner (see the core values on the Home Page). How Jeff got started running is a pretty interesting story.

In junior high, he played basketball, and hated it. Jeff wasn’t the best player on the team, and to say it was frustrating would be an understatement. What he was good at was  the 1-mile run his coach had the team do for conditioning. There was something about running, and only running, he really enjoyed. When he got to high school, he joined the cross country team and loved every minute of it. Interestingly, Jeff took a 25 year break from running, picking it up again about 5 years ago. On March 20th, 2016, he ran a 5K in 20:34, 28 seconds faster than a month ago and he was second in the 45-49 age group!

Now Jeff not only runs, he coaches high school runners. Running is a family affair for him. I completely enjoyed my conversation with Jeff and know you will too.

What We Talk About
  • Running to lose weight
  • Taking a 25 year break from running
  • Running as a family event
  • How he motivates himself to run when he doesn’t feel like it
  • Preventing injury through strength
  • Cross training
  • Coaching high schoolers
  • Links From the Show
    • Map My Run
    • The Conscious Runner
    • The Conscious Runner Academy
    • Quotes by Jeff McCloud

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      Your Next Steps
      • Head over to iTunes and give the show a review
      • See if The Conscious Runner Programs might be right for you
      • Until next time, run strong, run long and be present.


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