Running the Bases with Small Businesses

Teamworks Group - Business Inteligence

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Running the Bases today with Morgan Taylor, CEO of Teamworks Group. For seven years, Taylor owned an agricultural business, growing and shipping hay worldwide. The company was very complicated, dealing with perishable products, maritime transport, labor unions, local & international rules, regulations, and endless red tape. He learned that running a business meant dealing with a lot of variables and problems while building a solid culture and sustainable revenue.

Morgan’s most recent ventures include starting DocentHR payroll company and acquiring Teamworks HR advisory and PEO firm to create Teamworks Group, bringing together a full suite of workforce solutions that help small businesses grow and compete in a complex marketplace. Teamworks also developed the unique Insights as a Service model to help small businesses get affordable access to business intelligence that drives strategic decisions.

Morgan and the Teamworks Group team focus on solving big problems for other entrepreneurs by taking on the complicated parts of having a workforce, turning business data into insights, and automating work processes. When he isn’t busy helping clients optimize and grow their companies Morgan enjoys downhill mountain biking, dirt biking, and canyoneering.  

To learn more about Morgan and Teamworks Group visit:

Books Discussed:

Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant - by W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne  

The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success - by Darren Hardy

Elon Musk on How to Start a Business

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Running the Bases with Small BusinessesBy Randy Rohde

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