The Craig Creek Spirits Company, owned by Evelyn and Jacob Slote, is an underdog Canadian distillation company looking for a chance to break into the staid and complacent gin market. Our underdog American bootleggers, Blue Nose and Frankie, see the potential in the remarkable gin being offered by the Slotes and call upon some old friends to handle the distribution end of the bootlegging run.
The Bootleggers Ep. 4: Thunderclap (Downloadable mp3 – right click the link and choose “Save Link As…”)
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Written, Directed, and Edited by Karl Sparks.
Recording Engineered by Magnifique Nsengimana
Voice Actors (in order of appearance):
Jacob Slote – Ian Perry
Evelyn Slote – Maddie Sofia
Mary – Carrie Klocke
Madame Deblanche – Bronwyn Lucas
Blue Nose – Karl Sparks
Frankie Malone – Matt Payea
The Pocket Radio Theater theme is by The Pueblano Boys 2011 – Used with permission.
Boy Gone Bad (instrumental) was written by Meridian Splendor, and was commissioned for this podcast.
The following recording:
Rolls Royce Papa
Written by Virginia Liston (1890-1932)
Performed by Virginia Liston (vocals), unknown (cornet), unknown (banjo), unknown (piano)
Recording date: Chicago 29 May 1926
Cat Number: Vocalion 1032
Duration: 02’54”
Is in the public domain. Document Records ( allowed me to use their recordings gratis provided the episode has some educational value – we think this episode would be a useful component of a college class discussing the parallels between the women’s liberation movement and prohibition, as well as offering insight (when taken with the other episodes) into the connections between poverty and bootlegging.
Ozarken Hills is by Iron John Logan ( ; and was written in the mountains near Cimarron, NM. Used with permission.
Our closing music is “Maple Leaf Rag” by Scott Joplin (written in 1899), recorded by Zachary Brewster-Geisz using orchestra software – this recording was released under a Public Domain Mark 1.0 license and downloaded on 3/7/15 from the following URL:
Photography by Carrie Klocke.
Special thanks to WRUR’s The Sting ( for the use of their recording studio and expertise.
This Radio Drama uses these sounds from
Crash by bone666138 (
Opening closing pantry door by Omar Alvarado (
Water Being Poured into Glass by delaneyrose13 (
Wine Cork Plopp by Greencouch (
Pouring Glass of Wine from Bottle by nebulousflynn (
Bottles Multiple Clinking by AshFox (
chair squeek by offthesky (
plastic_small_tools_drop by nothayama (
clucking_chicken by pillonoise (
ChickenLayingAnEgg_01 by mich3d (
outside grandfather clock tick1 by urbaneguerilla (
SFX_WINE-Uncork-POURS by HDM2013 (
bottle cork in and out 2012-1-4 by Kyster (
Door Open And Close by rivernile7 (
Harbor Ambience 2 by cliftonmcarlson (
wind on lanyards by jimsim (
Various ot