Hannah plays the good stuff this week(also every Thursday too)
- Young Neighbours - Roman
- epic45 - Im Getting To Young For This
- Eliza Neilman - Who needs headphones
- Beams - A.W.I.L
- Broken Social Scene - Almost Crimes
- Acetone - Too Much Time
- Dijon - Rodeo Clown
- caroline - IWR
- Shirley Hurt - Pendulum
- Marlaena Moore - Empties
- Car Seat Headrest - Maud Gone
- Modern Baseball - Intersection
- Of Montreal - Touched Something's Hollow
- Micheal C.Duguay - Bullet
- WOODS - To Clean
- Defiance, Ohio - Im Against The Government
- PUP - Sleep in The Heat
- Force Majeure - The New Alphabet
- Amyl & The Sniffers - Tiny Bikini
- Mannequin Pussy - Romantic
- Mecca Normal - Im not into being the woman youre with while looking for the woman you want
- OMBIIGIZI - Street Names and Land Claims
- WENNI - No
- Weatherday - Angel
- Noe Mal - Someone Like Me
- Zoon - Vibrant Colours
- Taleen Kali - Crusher