NGV World Podcast

The interesting growth of CNG in Trinidad and Tobago - Curtis Mohammed, President at the NGC CNG Company

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Trinidad and Tobago is a massive producer of Natural Gas in the Caribbean, but interestingly the country was offering highly subsidized liquid fuels until 6 years ago.

Now, the state-owned NGC CNG company has managed to grow conversions 106% year over year.

Take a listen to understand the whole CNG experience of this island, with Mr. Curtis Mohammed who is in charge of conversions and stations for the NGC CNS Company. Impressively the country is growing at a rapid pace, and starting the 2nd phase of ambitious development. 

The conditions are there and Curtis will share with us how they are working to make CNG a massive fuel for the future.

Don't forget that you can find details about everything we mention in this episode by visiting and see all the links, pictures, videos, and contact information that you might need.

Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

  • Mr. Mohammed background before joining the NGC CNG Company (4:20)
  • The state of development of T&T before the creation of the NGC CNG (7:45)
  • About the price difference evolution since 2014. (12:20)
  • How the NGC CNG company was created (18:05)
  • The importance of marketing CNG in Trinidad and Tobago (27:00)
  • The best selling sedan in Trinidad in Tobago (28:00)
  • About building a team of experts to review CNG standards (34:00)
  • The biggest hurdles for CNG in Trinidad (42:00)
  • About financing CNG kits in Trinidad & Tobago (44:10)
  • The next five years for the NGC CNG company (51:40)


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NGV World PodcastBy Ricardo Carmona