Dr. Bita Yadidi, believes there are 3 foundational “Secrets” to health and wellness. Using these secrets, she helps busy, overwhelmed, and stressed women find their unique path to holistic lifestyle transformation - so they finally feel physically energized, mentally clear, emotionally grounded, spiritually attuned, and relationally connected. Not only does she treat clients at Wellness to Be (her wellness center in Beverly Hills) as a California Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist, but she also empowers women nationwide through her “Take Charge of Your Life” 12-week health and wellness program.
In this episode, we discuss:
How to take charge of your life
The importance of being flexible while still getting things done
The need for being v doing
How the small steps over time will create the big shifts in your life
And why we don’t need as much coffee as we think we do, and what we can do for energy instead.