Reclamation: Worship

The Pilgrim's Progress Conversations - Episode 3

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In Episode 3 of The Pilgrim’s Progress Conversations we talk about Obstinate and Pliable’s attempt to persuade Christian to return to the City of Destruction. What kept Christian from returning with them was his conviction of the necessity to flee the city that he got from reading the Bible.

Earlier in the week I had read an article by Alisa Childers (link below) in which she assessed the deconversion stories of the YouTube famous Rhett and Link. Their decision to walk away from Christianity came about as they were no longer comfortable with the Bible’s sexual ethics. In other words, their ultimate standard of Truth is themselves rather than God.

Christian appealed to Obstinate and Pliable to read the Bible for themselves rather than to trust his view. We would all do well to turn to God in His Word rather than trust ourselves or another man’s worldview if it conflicts with what God has said.

Whenever we submit ourselves to Scripture we are admitting God knows better than we do.

Join us as we journey through The Pilgrim’s Progress.

Alisa Childer’s article can be found here

Artwork compliments of

Intro created and performed by Isaac Johnson

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Reclamation: WorshipBy Jason Allen