Talking Beat - from the Portland Police Bureau

The Portland Police Bureau Wellness Program - Talking Beat

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The Portland Police Bureau has implemented a comprehensive wellness program dedicated to the physical, mental, emotional, and financial well-being of its officers.
This initiative allows officers one hour of wellness activities per 10-hour shift, which includes exercising, consulting with financial advisors, participating in yoga or meditation sessions, among other things.
Developed with contributions from the Portland community, the program supports officers during their service and extends into retirement.
Key advantages of this program are enhanced physical fitness, better quality sleep, mental health care, and more family time.
The Portland Police Bureau regards this wellness program as a crucial investment in their officers, contributing to improved public safety.
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Talking Beat - from the Portland Police BureauBy City of Portland, Oregon

  • 3.7
  • 3.7
  • 3.7
  • 3.7
  • 3.7


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