The Awkward Silence Podcast

The Road to Financial Health and Well-being with Rocky Lalvani of The Richer Soul Podcast

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Today’s guest is Rocky Lalvani, the host of the Richer Soul Podcast and he is the millionaire next door. The Richer Soul Podcast is all about living life with purpose and intention and using your financial success to live on your own terms.

Rocky is a first generation immigrant from India, coming here when he was 2 years old with his parents to start a new life.

I’m excited to have Rocky on the show because he has done it--gone from nothing to amass wealth with a good career and is on a mission to teach others how to grow their wealth through sound financial planning principles.

Show Notes: 

  • How did Rocky's immigrant background influence his finanical mindset
  • Why he encourages his clients who have college-bound children to think carefully about taking on hundreds of thousands of student loans
  • How to maximize the power of compound interest
  • Is real estate investment right for everyone? 
  • Money mindsets and how it impacts your finanical future
  • Rocky's strategy for overcoming high amounts of personal debt
  • Why it is important to start with a clear picture of your desired outcome so you don't end up climbing the wrong mountain
  • Rocky's top lessons for his children: 1) Be intentional 2) Money does not make you happy but it helps you to do the things that make you happy 3) Keep going despite fear, discomfort, and obstacle...and ask for help!


Rocky's website:
Richer Soul Podcast:

Dr. Aron Choi's website:


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The Awkward Silence PodcastBy Dr. Aron Choi