
The Secret Playbook — Emile Chouha

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This week, the SphereCast team connects with Emile Chouha, Co-founder at LunchBox — a Montreal-based digital app, all about helping friends discover new restaurants at the lowest prices possible. Founded in late 2016, LunchBox first broke onto the scene through a partnership with the University of Montreal — a deal which ultimately landed LunchBox at the top of food app charts, surrounded by giants like Uber Eats. Chouha’s app is a hype machine for restaurants, allowing them to publicize their cuisine to massive audiences in a relatively short amount of time.

Emile is a fountain of wisdom, and his deep introspection calls for a somewhat different podcast format. During the conversation, Luke and Xenia actually use a series of social media posts to help guide the conversation with Chouha — a conversation that touches on productivity and the nature of good work, on the strong tie between passion and motivation, on the humanity of startup companies, and, of course, on his own journey of building something from scratch.


Noteworthy Quotes:

"If you're mindful about today, tomorrow will be better... That idea could motivate a lot of people to put more effort into the present moment to change things."

"In a startup, it's easy to lose sight of the bigger goal while giving attention to those little hiccups on a daily basis."

"Passion is overrated, and preparation is underrated."

"Startups are different than Wall Street. A startup is more human. Wall Street is more savage... There's no place for spirituality in Wall Street. Startups don't lie — you're creating value for another human."

"Motivation is a consequence of finding your passion."

"You never fix a problem in one shot. It's a painting — a canvas. You take your brush, and you design a little thing. But then you come back to it the next day, and you're seeing something additional where, in the first day, you couldn't have seen. Because what you wrote on your whiteboard the first day is just a seed that's going to blossom in your head."

"When I started my first company, I was scared of not fitting in as an entrepreneur... I wasn't being real with myself. That mind state slowed me down as an entrepreneur."

"It's easy to work 12 hours, 15 hours — or more. It's more difficult to actually make progress. And, at the end, that's the only thing that matters."

"I think a startup is a science experiment. And you're trying to prove something with statistical significance about a certain type of customer that wants your product. That should be your only focus."

"If you can do valuable work in 40 hours, do it. If you can do more valuable work in 80 hours, do it. But start with 40 hours. You shouldn't need more."


Bullet List of Resources – 

Emile Chouha

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