The Unpublishable Podcast

The Unpublishable Podcast, Episode 34: Elizabeth Castillo, Tuur Verhyde, Kushal Poddar, Eleanor May Blackburn, Lorelei Bacht, and Gareth Culshaw

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Welcome to the Unpublishable Podcast.

This week, we have three poetry features: "Pedacitos" by Elizabeth Castillo, "The Bedlam Scribe" by Tuur Verhyde, "Time Has Its Hands on The Fire and The Frost" by Kushal Poddar, "Bare" by Eleanor May Blackburn, "The Nature of This Beast" by Lorelei Bacht, and by Gareth Culshaw.

Follow Elizabeth Castillo on Twitter and Instagram.

Follow Tuur Verhyde on Twitter.

Follow Kushal Poddar on Twitter and Amazon.

Follow Eleanor May Blackburn on Twitter and Instagram.

Follow Lorelei Bacht on Twitter and Instagram.

Follow Gareth Culshaw on Twitter and Instagram.

The Unpublishable Podcast features poems published in our zine, the Unpublishable Zine, and short stories featured in our short fiction section, The Slush Pile. If you would like to submit to Unpublishable for the chance to be published and have your poetry read on the podcast, please visit our site at!

The Unpublishable Zine can be found on Twitter.

Happy listening, poets and poetry enthusiasts!

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The Unpublishable PodcastBy The Unpublishable Zine