Shawn Williams and Ryan Trimble kickoff the Fall season of Deconstructing Dallas with some sports talk before diving into all things technology with newly hired Chief Information Officer for the City of Dallas, Bill Zielinski.
With the pandemic having launched us into a world even more reliant on technology - from virtual school classrooms to hosting City Council meetings online - Zielinski discusses how we’ll modernize City Hall and how he envisions our city as a whole moving forward. He teases the next wave of technology that will stem from data, and discusses the sharpened focus on the digital divide in Dallas due to the pandemic. Tune in to hear from Zielinski and how someone with 30 years experience with the Federal Government found his way to Dallas at this critical time.
LinkedIn: William Zielinski
BREAK MUSIC - Audio Blocks
Anthem of a Quirky Hipster
Up Again
Spaghetti Gangster