Reclamation: Worship

Thoughts for Young Men, J.C. Ryle 1.5

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In this fifth installment of Ryle’s Thoughts for Young Men, he reveals some of the consequences of not beginning to serve God in one’s youth. In 1.5, Ryle explains, “young men need exhorting, because of the sorrow it will save them, to begin serving God now.”

Ryle points out three pitfalls associated with not beginning to follow God from an early age. The first is loss of health; the second is the consequences of idleness; the third is grievous mistakes in judgement.

Helping our kids understand the benefits of serving serving God early in life will save them much grief and sorrow as they age. No regenerate adult will look back on their life and not regret the sinful acts they committed. If we can impart this to our children, surely we will be loving them in the best way we can. I often hear believers who came to know Christ at an early age and, as a result, did not fall into the “spectacular sins”, lament that they have a boring testimony. This couldn’t be further from the truth. These “boring testimonies” are no less a miracle of God than the testimonies of those who have been saved out of the “spectacular sins”. May all of our children have “boring testimonies”!

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Intro created and performed by Isaac Johnson

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Reclamation: WorshipBy Jason Allen