Reclamation: Worship

Thoughts for Young Men, J.C. Ryle 4.2

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This is the second reading from the fourth part of J.C. Ryle’s Thoughts for Young Men. The second rule is this: “For another thing, resolve, by God’s help, to shun everything which may prove an occasion for sin.”

For Ryle, it is not enough to merely determine to commit no sin. He says we must “carefully keep at a distance from all approaches to it.”

Ryle knows the dangers of living in this world and helps us to identify some of the obstacles that will challenge us - “the books that we read, the families that we visit, the society into which we go.”

He offers a valuable tool for the young believer who would be content to say, “There is nothing positively wrong here” by teaching them to assess all situations and ask the question, “Is there anything here which may prove to me the occasion of sin?”

Ryle identifies idleness and worldly amusements as traps to avoid.

He encourages his hearers to disregard those who would say those of us who are guarding ourselves from sin are being over scrupulous and too particular. The stakes are high and what is at risk is our immortal souls.

It doesn’t get any more practical than Ryles’ questions he asks when considering the Lord’s prayer. His point is this, why pray ‘Lead us not into temptation’ if we are not going to be careful to give ourselves over to temptation. Or, ‘deliver us from evil’ if we don’t want to keep out of its way.

He carefully reminds us we must not put ourselves into situations that would endanger us and make us vulnerable to sin.

- Why does it matter what media you consume (movies they watch, songs they listen to, video games they play)?

- Ryle says, “We must not content ourselves with saying, ‘There is nothing positively wrong here’; we must go further, and say, ‘Is there anything here which may prove to me the occasion of sin?’” How can we as a family think carefully about the effects of media on our hearts and minds?

- Ryle argues that the man who mingles in worldly amusements is like one who gives Satan vantage-ground. How can the movies we watch, the music we listen to and the video games we play give Satan vantage-ground in our lives?

- What are some things that tempt you to sin?

- What are some ways you can guard yourself from those temptations?

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Intro created and performed by Isaac Johnson

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Reclamation: WorshipBy Jason Allen