NGV World Podcast

Tim Boyle - Former Director of International Sales & Business Development at Angi Energy Systems

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Check this very interesting rebroadcast episode, where we take on CNG Compression technology But first, take your time to visit the NGV Professionals Board, where companies around the industry can find professionals from many different countries that are currently interested in new job opportunities. Please if your company is looking for talent, give it a try and go to and check all the professionals.

Many people on the board are people that got laid off because of the COVID-19 crisis, and we can help them. Also,  If you are looking for that job opportunity to go to and sign up, it could be your chance to get in from of the companies.

Tim shared with us two huge design types when it comes to developing CNG stations that could save you a lot of money. 

We discussed RNG and how it’s currently happening around the world and their Biogas product line.

Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

  • How Tim Boyle started in the NGV Industry 
  • When the standards focus on over-regulate 
  • What makes the Angi Compression Equipment different to its competitors 
  • How Angi sees the importance of Customer Service
  • The CNG Station Industry Evolution and temperature compensation 
  • How temperature compensation works 
  • What have been the evolution in regard to filling pressure 200bar, 250bar 
  • About new natural gas compression types and potential
  • CNG Station Design Tips, about Dryers 
  • What is the status of Renewable Natural Gas around the world
  • About the trends on Biogas in 2019 
  • What is the Fleet-Pro Solution from Angi Energy


Check the Angi Website

Tim Boyle's Linkedin Profile

Angi’s Biogas product line

Angi Integrated Compressor Solution

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NGV World PodcastBy Ricardo Carmona