Property Chit Chat by Louise Roke

Tiny House Movement with Julie Jacobson

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As the housing crisis reaches non affordability; the frustration rises. For many owning a tiny house could be the answer they have been looking for and what’s more you can pick it up and go if you change jobs, lovers, study or just want a different view!  The lack of clarity around tiny homes and where they stand legally within the resource management plan and other acts needs to recognise the benefits that this type of housing may provide.    People who desire to have their own tiny home legally are stressed and something so simple in concept seems  fraught with problems.  The ideas of how we live needs to reflect the society and community we now live in.
Meet Julie Jacobson;  a passionate crusader changing this for the good of all kiwis.  With her entrepreneurial business skills and humanitarian heart she talks to me about what she is doing to change things for our  future.

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Property Chit Chat by Louise RokeBy Louise Roke