
Tips & Tricks for Curbing Emotional Spending

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Emotional spending: We all do it, even if we don’t necessarily realize it. So how do you break the vicious cycle? We have some tips and tricks for nipping your emotional spending habit in the bud. Plus, we’re talking about Wonder Woman breaking the glass ceiling, all things The Bachelorette, and unREAL being pushed back to 2018 (wtf).

Real Talk: Tips & Tricks for Curbing Emotional Spending
  • According to ISPO News, 90% of purchases are made subconsciously. By age 30, you will have seen close to 2 million commercials. ADVERTISERS WANT TO FUCK YOU UP.
  • According to Jaleesa Charissa, a beauty and lifestyle blog, 52% of Americans engage in retail therapy to improve their mood.
    • Every month, more than 500 people tweet about how they wish retail therapy was covered by their health insurance.
    • What are the triggers?
      • The “high” of spending or having new things
  • “Retail therapy” aka you sad
  • Maintaining your “image”
  • The need to feel “powerful” aka in-control
  • You shop when you’re bored
  • http://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/8-emotional-spending-triggers-1580.php 
  • How to get your spending in check
    • Set (and stick to) a budget
  • Carry cash instead of plastic
  • No-spending challenges
  • Enlist the help of a friend to monitor your spending
  • Don’t let your browser save your credit card.
  • To really curb emotional spending, you need to address the triggers.
  • What’s Going on in the World
    • WONDER WOMAN BROKE THE MOTHERFUCKING GLASS CEILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally that’s it that’s all that matters
  • Also Chris Hemsworth and Gal Gadot both agree Wonder Woman could totally take Thor in a fight. Same.
  • Bachelorette check-in: Rachel “loved” that Dean said “once you go black you never go back” and also one contestant has super offensive tweets. So a Bachelor intern is getting fired. ALSO ALSO Rachel might’ve dated a famous basketball player.
    • Meleah: you mean a bach intern is getting a raise
  • http://variety.com/2017/scene/vpage/unreal-co-creator-sarah-gertrude-shapiro-bachelorette-rachel-lindsay-unreal-lifetime-1202453839/
  • UnReal’s release is being pushed to 2018
    • BOO those whores.
  • Dear HBIC
    • I’m 22 and I don’t have a credit card. I feel like I need to do something to build my credit, but my parents think getting a credit card is a mistake. What’s a good way to start building up my credit history and start being more financially independent?
  • You're an adult, sooo you don't exactly need your parents' permission. Our advice would just be to get a credit card, but if you really want to respect your parents' wishes, you have a few options for building credit.
    • Buy furniture (but make sure the furniture store reports to the credit bureau) and pay it off.
  • Ask your parents to co-sign on a car (again, make sure they report) or a loan.
  • Start paying off your student loans.
  • Get a secured credit card. Your parents can load the money on there (like $200) and just use it for things like gas and eating out.
  • Boss/Adulting Moment

    • Meleah: Got my new job title finalized with my boss. It’s very exciting but I’m not 100% sure I’m allowed to tell y’all yet. Stay tuned.
  • Elise: I made the switch to Day Designer and I am more organized than ever. Literally obsessed. I’ve thought about posting pictures but I don’t want to like “glorify busy” or w/e.
  • Subscribe to EVEsdropping on iTunes and Podbean, and use our hashtag #JustEVEsdropping on Twitter to sound off. And don’t forget to send in your Dear HBIC questions to [email protected]!

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