The Leadership Edge

TLE 009 - A HR Perspective on Leadership

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Want a HR perspective on leadership? The week on The Leadership Edge I talk with Natasha Hawker. Natasha is an expert in employment relations, recruitment, performance management, terminations and mediation. In the episode, we go on a wonderful journey into the good, bad and down right ugly when it comes to leadership. She shares both the stand out qualities of inspiring leaders and places where leaders can really fall down. On top of that, Natasha shares really practical ways that leaders can create more team engagement right now. 
Natasha has been quoted in articles for the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, the Australian Financial Review and the Huffington Post and she has often been interviewed on the radio, including the ABC. She is also a professional speaker and author of ‘From Hire to Fire & Everything in Between’ which is available in all great bookstores, and also on Amazon. Her thoughts of leadership come from years of experience and a drive to help leaders grow their businesses through their employees.
To learn more about Natasha head over to
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The Leadership EdgeBy Trish Everett