
11/28 TOP NEWS|上海学校帮助学生度过传染病多发季节/我国绿色能源产品向海外进发

11.29.2023 - By ICSPlay

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NEWS ON 11/281. SCHOOLS IN SHANGHAI HELP STUDENTS GET THROUGH FLU SEASON上海学校帮助学生度过传染病多发季节2. GREEN ENERGY PRODUCTS SUPPORT CHINA'S EXPORTS我国绿色能源产品向海外进发-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. SCHOOLS IN SHANGHAI HELP STUDENTS GET THROUGH FLU SEASON上海学校帮助学生度过传染病多发季节Schools in Shanghai are working to deal with a rising number of flu infections. Zhang Hong has more. 上海的学校正在努力应对不断上升的流感感染人数。记者张泓带来更多报道。Flu cases peaked last week at Huangpu Experimental Primary School Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University.上周,上海交通大学附属黄浦实验小学的流感病例达到高峰。Sheng Kaiyan, School Physician Huangpu Experimental Primary School Affiliated to SH Jiao Tong Univ.盛开颜 上海交通大学附属黄浦实验小学卫生保健老师“It's getting better this week with students in only two classes showing influenza A symptoms. Students have returned to school gradually. ”“这一周情况明显好转 只剩下两个班级存在甲流症状的学生 其他学生都已经陆陆续续复课返校”The school has separate rooms for smaller groups of students during flu season and teachers will help those who are sick to catch up. 在流感季节,学校为人数较少的学生准备了单独的教室,老师会帮助生病的学生补课。Zhang Jian, TeacherHuangpu Experimental Primary School Affiliated to SH Jiao Tong Univ.张健 上海交通大学附属黄浦实验小学体卫艺科负责老师“Students who are ill at home can choose to do their homework based on their condition. When they return, their class teacher will help them catch up. There's no mandatory【强制性的】 requirements on homework. ”“因病在家的同学 可以根据自己的自身的情况(完成)如果已经回到学校了 班主任会每天 慢慢把作业补齐 对我们同学的作业没有强制性的要求”Zhongshan School Affiliated to Shanghai Huangpu Institute of Education has designed individualized physical education guidance for students. 上海市黄浦区教育学院附属中山学校为学生设计了个性化的体育教育指导。Sun Jin, PE TeacherZhongshan School Affiliated to SH Huangpu Institute of Education孙瑾 上海市黄浦区教育学院附属中山学校体育教研组长“They do a variety of exercises to boost their immunity. We have individualized events planned for recovered students returning to school. They will be doing light exercise like jogging. ”“通过各种活动 来提高他们的免疫力 对于有些孩子返校复学以后 进行个性化的指导 从慢跑开始 健身操 或者简单的一些运动项目开始 逐步逐步恢复到他们原来的机体状况”The Ministry of Education posted an article on its WeChat account stating that children with mild symptoms【症状】 don't need to be hospitalized and infected students are encouraged to stay home. It also reminded students to get enough sleep and eat healthy meals. 教育部在微信公众号上发布了一篇文章,称症状轻微的儿童无需住院治疗,鼓励受感染的学生留在家中。教育部还提醒学生保持充足睡眠和健康饮食。2. GREEN ENERGY PRODUCTS SUPPORT CHINA'S EXPORTS我国绿色能源产品向海外进发As most of the world increasingly embraces a green energy transition to reduce the effects of climate change, many Chinese companies have become global market leaders in the carbon-free energy sector, owing to government support and the nation's vast manufacturing capacity. The new energy products are gradually becoming a major segment of the country's exports. Lei Shuran has more.随着世界大多数国家越来越多地向绿色能源转型,以减少气候变化的影响,许多中国公司凭借政府的支持和我国庞大的制造能力,已成为全球无碳能源领域的市场领导者。新能源产品正逐渐成为中国出口的主要部分。记者雷舒然带来更多报道。China's new energy sector, driven by strong global demand and enhanced product competitiveness, is propelling the country's exports. That includes electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and solar cells. Latest customs data shows that in the first three quarters of the year, China's outbound shipment value of the three products rocketed by more than 40-percent, to nearly 800-billion yuan. That accounts for 4.5-percent of the country's total exports during the period. JinkoSolar, a major solar module provider, exemplifies this trend, with over 80-percent of its business now derived from exports.  The company says its global module shipments exceeded 150 giga-watts by the end of the first quarter, making it the world's first solar module provider to achieve that level.在全球需求强劲和产品竞争力增强的推动下,中国的新能源产业正在推动中国的出口。其中包括电动汽车、锂离子电池和太阳能电池。海关最新数据显示,今年前三季度,中国这三种产品的出境货运价值猛增40%以上,达到近8000亿元人民币,这占同期中国出口总额的 4.5%。晶科能源是太阳能组件的主要供应商,也是这一趋势的典型代表,目前其业务的80% 以上来自出口。该公司表示,截至第一季度末,其全球组件出货量已超过1.5亿瓦,成为全球首家达到这一水平的太阳能组件供应商。Qian Jing, Vice President JinkoSolar钱晶 晶科能源副总裁“The main reasons behind that include the strong demand driven by the carbon neutrality【中立】 goals of most countries, they have adopted increasingly regulations of limits. Secondly, in supply side, the increasing competitiveness of our products in terms of technology performance and costs, we are far beyond our foreign competitors in these fields. It's manufacturing excellence which can transimitted the latest and advanced technology from laboratories to the mass productuion lines at the lowest costs.”“这背后的主要原因包括,大多数国家在碳中和目标的驱动下需求旺盛,它们采取了越来越多的限制法规。其次,在供应方面,我们的产品在技术性能和成本方面的竞争力不断增强,在这些领域我们远远超越了国外竞争对手。这就是卓越的制造能力,它能以最低的成本将最新的先进技术从实验室转移到大规模生产线上。”The rising demand for solar panels also benefits upstream companies, such as a silicon【硅】 maker in Suzhou, experiencing increased demand for its products due to the popularity of Chinese solar panel products globally over the past few years.太阳能电池板需求的增长也使上游企业受益,例如苏州的一家硅料生产商,由于过去几年中国太阳能电池板产品在全球受到欢迎,对其产品的需求有所增加。Song Hao, Assistant Vice President (Securities) GCL Technology Holdings宋昊 协鑫科技控股有限公司助理副总裁“All of our clients now have export businesses. So, the growing overseas demand for their products is also encouraging us to increase our production. In the next few years, we expect the demand to grow by 10 to 20 percent annually. To us, that means there will be a yearly demand of over 200,000 tonnes of polysilicon.”“我们所有的客户现在都有出口业务。因此,海外市场对其产品日益增长的需求也促使我们提高产量。未来几年,我们预计每年的需求量将增长10%到20%。对我们来说,这意味着每年多晶硅的需求量将超过200,000吨。”Despite the sector's success, experts caution that future market share might be influenced by external factors, urging sustained efforts to continue export momentum. 尽管该部门取得了成功,但专家们提醒说,未来的市场份额可能会受到外部因素的影响,因此他们将继续努力,保持出口势头。Cheng Xin, Partner Bain & Company成鑫 贝恩公司合伙人“In some of the European markets, there is a big inventory of China products in the warehouse, which may take months to absorb. So, this give a very strong signal to all the Chinese players that they need to seriously consider the differentiation versus the other competitors given this significant oversupply situation and before they make extra investment decision. Some of the countries have push out local production encouragement. So, all of these signals, are pushing Chinese company to seriously consider a more sustainable global footprint to support the long term growth.”“在欧洲市场,仓库里有大量的中国产品库存,可能需要几个月的时间才能消化。这向所有中国企业发出了一个非常强烈的信号,即在严重供过于求的情况下,他们需要认真考虑与其他竞争对手的差异化,然后再做出额外的投资决定。一些国家已经开始鼓励本地生产。因此,这些所有的信号都在促使中国企业认真考虑更可持续的全球布局,以支持长期增长。”According to Natixis, a French corporate and investment bank, China has nearly monopolized【垄断】 global solar cell exports, accounting for 80-percent of the total last year, while also holding significant shares in lithium-ion battery and electric vehicle exports.法国外贸银行,即一家法国企业与投资银行的数据显示,中国几乎垄断了全球太阳能电池出口,去年占全球出口总量的80%,同时在锂离子电池和电动汽车出口方面也占有相当大的份额。#热词加油站mandatory /ˈmændətəri/【强制性的】symptoms /ˈsɪmptəm/【症状】neutrality /njuːˈtræləti/【中立】monopolized /məˈnɒpəlaɪzd/【垄断】silicon /ˈsɪlɪkən/【硅】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~

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