
04/24 TOP NEWS | 《灌篮高手》创票房纪录/“IPO注册制”成流行语/XBB.1.16已进入我国

04.24.2023 - By ICSPlay

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NEWS ON 04/211.SLAM DUNK MOVIE BREAKS RECORDS IN CHINA动画电影《灌篮高手》引发集体怀旧首日场次及票房创下纪录2.CHINA BUZZWORDS: "REGISTRATION-BASED IPO"“IPO注册制”已成国内流行语3.XBB.1.16 STRAIN SPREADING AT LOW RATE IN CHINA国家疾控局:XBB.1.16在我国未形成传播优势----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SLAM DUNK MOVIE BREAKS RECORDS IN CHINA动画电影《灌篮高手》引发集体怀旧首日场次及票房创下纪录A Japanese animated sports movie "The First Slam Dunk" has grossed around 114 million yuan at the box office, and attracted an audience of 2.91 million on itsfirstopening day yesterday. Breaking the record for a single day attendance, and opening day for an animated movie in China.日本体育动画电影《灌篮高手》昨天登陆全国院线,首日拿下1.14亿票房,观影人次291万,创下内地影史动画片单日总场次和首映日总场次冠军等多项记录。The movie, adapted from the classic 1990s Japanese manga series "Slam Dunk" created by Takehiko Inoue, hasevoked【唤起】 a strong sense of nostalgia from Chinese fans born in the 1980s and '90s. The series depicts the personal growth of several high school basketball players. On opening day in Shanghai, many fans showed up in advance wearing customized uniforms, masks, and rode scooters that appear in the manga【日本漫画】series. At the end of the film, the audience sang the ending song together in a lively carnival-like atmosphere. Film industry insiders predict that the film could bring in over 1 billion yuan in China.该片改编自上世纪90年代由井上雄彦创作的日本经典漫画《灌篮高手》,讲述了几个高中篮球运动员的个人成长。对中国众多80后90后观众来说,这部动画承载着自己的青春记忆。在上海的首映日,许多粉丝穿着10号球衣、戴着面具,骑着动画片里樱木军团的小电驴前来观影打卡。影片结束时,观众们在热烈气氛中齐唱片尾曲。业内人士预测,这部电影在中国的票房将超过10亿人民币。2.CHINA BUZZWORDS: "REGISTRATION-BASED IPO"“IPO注册制”已成国内流行语The modernization and improved market access to China's capital markets often involve plenty of buzzwords, jargon and industry-speak. One buzzword【流行词】 that's received a surplus of air time is "registration-based IPO system" after China rolled one out nationwide. Our business and financial markets reporter Timothy Pope explains what it is, and why it's a milestone.中国资本市场的现代化和市场准入的改善往往涉及大量的流行语、行话和行业术语。中国在全国范围内推出“IPO注册制”后,该概念成为了一个热词。我们的商业和金融市场记者Timothy Pope解释了它的概念以及它成为里程碑的原因。Last week 10 companies became the first to go public on the Shanghai Composite and Shenzhen Component Indexes under the new registration based IPO system. The registration system involves companies signing up and submitting documents to the stock exchange. If everything is in order they can list. It was trialed on the smaller Star Market and ChiNext board before its nationwide roll-out. The change marks the end of the old approval-based system that gave regulators the final say on who went public, as well as when and how high they could price their listing.上周,根据新的IPO注册制,10家公司成为首批在上海和深圳上市的公司。IPO注册制涉及公司注册并向证券交易所提交文件。如果一切符合要求,它们就可以上市。在全国范围内推广之前,IPO注册制先在规模较小的创业板上进行了试验。这一变化标志着以审批为基础的旧制度的终结。在这种制度下,监管机构对谁上市、何时上市、定价多高拥有最终决定权。The idea of a registration based IPO system seems fairly straightforward from the perspective of countries with more developed markets. China's system, however, dates back to the re-establishment of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1990. At that time China was attempting to develop a socialist market economy, and rebuild a securities market from the ground up. The newly operational stock exchanges weren't mature enough institutions to manage the market, sotheregulators took the reins. The China Securities Regulatory Commission - the CSRC - was the sole institution with the power to say yes or no to a company's market listing plans. And while Chinese markets grew immensely【迅猛地】 and the Shanghai StockExchange became the world's third largest by market cap, it was a system lacking transparency that could lead tounpredictability.从市场较发达国家的角度来看,基于注册的IPO制度似乎相当简单。然而,中国的这一制度可以追溯到1990年上海证券交易所的重建。当时,中国正试图发展社会主义市场经济,并从头开始重建证券市场。新运营的证券交易所还不够成熟,不足以管理市场,因此监管机构接管了市场。中国证券监督管理委员会(简称证监会)是唯一有权决定公司上市计划的机构。虽然中国市场发展迅猛,上海证券交易所已成为世界第三大市值交易所,但这仍是一个缺乏透明度的系统,可能会导致不可预测的情况。The old system included lengthy application and review processes which often led to huge backlogs. Once a company got the green light, there were caps for listing prices and restrictive early trading limits. It also left the markets unable to take advantage of the massive number of Chinese start-ups -- many of which are household names -- that didn't meet the regulator's strict profitability requirements. This had the unintended effect of driving many offshore to look for funding. A registration based system solves those issues. Companies are free to set whatever listing price they think the market will accept, there's no trading limit for their first five days of trade, and profitability requirements have been eased.旧制度包括一个漫长的申请和审查过程,经常导致大量积压。一旦公司获得批准,就会对上市价格设定上限,并对早期交易进行限制。这也使得市场无法利用数量庞大的中国初创企业(其中许多是家喻户晓的企业),因为这些企业没有达到监管机构严格的盈利要求,促使许多企业到海外寻求融资。而基于注册的IPO制度解决了这些问题。公司可以自由设定他们认为市场能够接受的上市价格,前五天没有交易限制,盈利要求也有所放宽。The regulators continue to enforce market rules, and will only assess new listings to ensure they're broadly in line with national policies. Now, just as in most mature markets, processing new listings will be up to the stock exchanges.监管机构将继续执行市场规则,并只评估新上市公司,以确保它们大体上符合国家政策。现在,就像在多数成熟市场一样,新股上市的处理将由证券交易所决定。So that's a look at the road to reforming China's equity markets.以上就是对中国股市改革之路的展望。3.XBB.1.16 STRAIN SPREADING AT LOW RATE IN CHINA国家疾控局:XBB.1.16在我国未形成传播优势The National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention said there are stillafew COVID-19 Omicron subvariant XBB.1.16 infections on the Chinese mainland.国家疾病预防控制局今天(04/21)表示,近期我国新冠病毒奥密克戎亚变体XBB.1.16感染病例总体仍维持较低水平。XBB.1.16, or Arcturus, was first detected in January, and was classified last month as avariant【变体】 worthy of monitoring by the World Health Organization. As of Tuesday, at least 33 countries and regions had reported more than 3,600 total infections, with 60 percent of them logged in India. Indian media outlets reported the new strain will trigger itchyand red eyes, especially among children. They added people may not realize it's COVID because red and itchy eyes are also symptoms of conjunctivitis. The administration said patients experiencing such conditions should see a doctor as soon as possible, and added mask use is recommended for vulnerable groups, as well as in places with large gatherings.XBB.1.16被称为Arcturus,别名“大角星”,于今年1月首次被发现,3月底被列入世卫组织监测名单。截至4月18日,全球至少有33个国家或地区报告了XBB.1.16变异株3600多例,其中六成在印度。印度媒体报道称,XBB.1.16可引起儿童眼睛发痒、发红。由于眼睛发红和发痒也是结膜炎症状,人们可能没有意识到这是新冠病毒。政府表示,如果近期出现此类症状,应及时就医,并建议易感人群以及处于人员聚集场所的公众佩戴口罩做好防护。#热词加油站evoke/ɪˈvoʊk/【唤起】manga/ˈmæŋɡə/【日本漫画】buzzword/ˈbʌzwɜːrd/【流行词】immensely/ɪˈmensli/【迅猛地】variant/ˈveriənt/【变体】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~

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