Trapped On Vacation

ToV130 - Trapped with Electric Lights and Thomas Edison

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This episode marks the 5th Anniversary (more or less) of Trapped on Vacation, we're still the Longest Running Non-Commercial Disney Podcast on the Internet, and we'd like to thank you for listening and sticking with us for all of these years!  Without our listeners like you, I'd just be a guy talking to my self with a wife staring at him wondering what the heck I was doing.  So thanks for not making me look like an idiot.  Well... like more of an idiot I guess...

This week we head back in time with all new audio from the Opening Night Preview of the Main Street Electrical Parade at the Magic Kingdom.  Yes, that's how long it's been...  After that we head up north to Dearborn, MI and hear an original recording by Thomas Edison.  Without Edison's invention of the phonograph, I doubt you'd be hearing my voice today!  So thanks Mr. Edison!  (Also thanks for the lightbulbs in MSEP!)

Hope you enjoy it!  Have fun!

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