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5 Travel Tips to Avoid Theft and Scams (Hayden's Travel Tips 008)

Everyone has a healthy dose of paranoia when traveling - it can be a very good thing to have, because it means you tend to keep yourself safe. But it can be hard to know how, exactly, to keep your belongings safe from theft and scams. Hayden wants to make sure you stay safe, and that your money and your important stuff stays safe, too. He offers you five travel tips here for avoiding theft and scams while you travel, sharing personal stories and anecdotes and speaking from experience as he does. Your travel stories should never have to be cut short due to an unexpected mugging, scam, theft, stolen identity, wallet grab, or, God forbid, all of the above. Take advantage of these five travel tips to ensure your absolute freedom and peace of mind while adventuring. Tips like how to use a money belt, what fake items to carry with you, and popular scams that you might have otherwise fallen victim to can help you more than you know while you travel. If you take Hayden’s tips into account while traveling, and if you are prepared against travel scams, then you will absolutely enjoy your travels more, because you will not be nervous the whole time. His advice can give you peace of mind and a much better time traveling. 

  • 2:58 - Tip #1 - Use a money belt. If you have a wallet in your back pocket, it’s gonna get swiped fast, so you better start hiding that money belt under your t-shirt. Hayden even offers some bonus suggestions on the best ones to own and how to make sure you don’t lose them. 
  • 4:44 - Tip #2 - Carry a fake wallet. When you get mugged, you can just give them the fake one with five bucks and a library card in it, then a third fake wallet, then a fourth - you could go on forever. 
  • 5:52 - Tip #3 - Don’t carry too much cash. You up the risks when you carry a wad of cash, so Hayden offers some advice on how much cash to carry, and where to keep it when you have to carry it. 
  • 6:55 - Tip #4 - Scan your passports, documents, important stuff. Sometimes, people want stuff other than your money, and if you lose your important documents, you might end up up the creek without a paddle. Hayden offers tips on what to do to keep your documents safe and backed up. 
  • 8:11 - Tip #5 - Learn the popular scams, especially of the place that you’re going to. If you’re aware of these things that could happen, then you’ll be prepared when it happens. Things like a broken taximeter, some free bracelets, or a flirty woman could mean the end of your trip if you’re not careful. 
  • Get in Touch with Hayden on Instagram: @backpackdigital


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    Backpack DigitalBy Hayden Lee

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